Thank you for visiting YOM MESSHIACH
If you love Fellowship, Israel and your Messhiach JOIN US ! We promote fellowship among Jewish believers in Messiah,
and those who love and want to bless Israel and the Jewish people. Making Messhiach known. |
YOM MESSHIACH (Day of Messiah) We’re creating events in SoFLo (South Florida), that celebrate Ha Messhiach, (the Messiah). We are called to love, inform, and influence the Yisraeli population of SoFLo about the truth of their Messhiach; the One and Only Yehudih (Jewish) Messhiach, Yeshua Ha Messhiach!…
WE, ELOHIM and us, who have become One in Messhiach, create an annual event on a day WE call Yom Messhiach, 1 Aviv (1 Nisan) to experience Yisraeli culture, music, food, and society in SoFLo.
We look to surround ourselves with others who share a similar Ruach Ha Qodesh (Holy Spirit) lead passion.
The Holy Spirit of ELOHIM has been placing onto the circumcised hearts of the Mishpochah of ELOHIM the urgency to unveil the eyes of the Yehudih population during the last days, of what is believed to be, the last generation, a 40 year time clock, the same 40 year period given to the Yisraelites from the time Yeshua Ha Messhiach’s sacrificial atoning blood was poured out for them as HE was purposely stricken for the transgressions of the Yisraelites and ultimately for the whole olam. See YeshaYahu (Isaiah) 53
The seed of Avraham, Yitzhak and Ya'akov has spread throughout all the nation’s just as was prophesied and promised by ELOHIM YHVH in Bereshit (Genesis). This promise is realized by the Gentile population also through faith and belief, therefore; no longer Yehudih or Gentile, only One in Messhiach. (See Galatians 3:28 in Berit Chadashah)
Now is the time for all of us
to come together during this last generation to celebrate as one mishpochah of ELOHIM.
The Holy Spirit of ELOHIM has been placing onto the circumcised hearts of the Mishpochah of ELOHIM the urgency to unveil the eyes of the Yehudih population during the last days, of what is believed to be, the last generation, a 40 year time clock, the same 40 year period given to the Yisraelites from the time Yeshua Ha Messhiach’s sacrificial atoning blood was poured out for them as HE was purposely stricken for the transgressions of the Yisraelites and ultimately for the whole olam. See YeshaYahu (Isaiah) 53
The seed of Avraham, Yitzhak and Ya'akov has spread throughout all the nation’s just as was prophesied and promised by ELOHIM YHVH in Bereshit (Genesis). This promise is realized by the Gentile population also through faith and belief, therefore; no longer Yehudih or Gentile, only One in Messhiach. (See Galatians 3:28 in Berit Chadashah)
Now is the time for all of us
to come together during this last generation to celebrate as one mishpochah of ELOHIM.
South Florida (SoFLo) is a recognized region of the state of Florida, comprising Palm Beach, Broward, Miami-Dade, and Monroe Counties. These counties contain approximately 12% of the land in Florida, but 28% of its population.
The history of the Yehudah (Jew with the breath of life aka “the hey”) Population, and Yehudi (Jews) in South Florida dates back to the early 19th century.
Many South Florida Yehudi (“Jews”) are Ashkenazi (descendants of Russian, Polish, and Eastern European ancestry), and many are also Cuban (“Jewban”), Brazilian, Latin American (Venezuela, Colombia, Mexico, Argentina, Chile), Russian, French, Moroccan, Syrian, Bukharian, and Israeli. There is a significant Sephardic and Mizrachi population as well. Approximatly 500,000 strong in SoFLo.
WE annialate anti-Semitism by Spiritually circumcising hearts through teaching truth and ultimately personal prayer, the only way to change the lost hard hearts of humanity into hearts of love, which then share the desires and Heart of ELOHIM to bring back HIS beloved Wife, Yerushalayim!!!…
The history of the Yehudah (Jew with the breath of life aka “the hey”) Population, and Yehudi (Jews) in South Florida dates back to the early 19th century.
Many South Florida Yehudi (“Jews”) are Ashkenazi (descendants of Russian, Polish, and Eastern European ancestry), and many are also Cuban (“Jewban”), Brazilian, Latin American (Venezuela, Colombia, Mexico, Argentina, Chile), Russian, French, Moroccan, Syrian, Bukharian, and Israeli. There is a significant Sephardic and Mizrachi population as well. Approximatly 500,000 strong in SoFLo.
WE annialate anti-Semitism by Spiritually circumcising hearts through teaching truth and ultimately personal prayer, the only way to change the lost hard hearts of humanity into hearts of love, which then share the desires and Heart of ELOHIM to bring back HIS beloved Wife, Yerushalayim!!!…
We Believe
WE believe that when WE bring more and more of the Yehudi population to become ONE IN MESSIAH as ELOHIM always intended; a bright light will shine from SoFLo for other parts of the world to emulate.
WE have a 40 year plan in place to change the hearts and minds of the SoFLo Yehudi population—a time period of ONE generation, which corresponds to the same time period, prior to the fall of the 2D Temple standing in Yerushalayim at the time of Yeshua Ha Messhiach's self imposed sacrifice.
In approximately 32AD, Yeshua Ha Messhiach willingly gave Himself for His people, was resurrected on the third day after His death, and then gave the Yisraelites (Israelites) a grace period of ONE generation to accept this "gift of the last blood atoning sacrifice". Blood Atonement, as is currently done by the Yehudi population every year on Yom Kippur, without the "Kippur" {sacrifice at the temple}, is and will always be necessary for the cleansing of the Sin Nature all humanity is born into. The "Sin Nature" is due, in accordance with the sacred Holy Hebrew Scripture, to the first Human's (adam's) disobedience, which caused a veil of separation from ELOHIM YHVH (Heavenly Father Almighty) to re-commune with Him for eternity. This "extremely durable hand knit veil" was torn from Top to bottom at the death of Yeshua Ha Messhiach in 32 AD. In 70 AD, ONE generation later, following Yeshua Ha Messhiach’s Kippur (sacrifice), the "second Temple in Yerushalayim fell".
The "mirror to our minds", the Torah, was completely fulfilled by only One, tribe of Yehudah, Israelite Man, in history, ELOHIM incarnate (in the Flesh), His name was and still is, because HE lives, Yeshua Ha Messhiach. Everything written here can be historically researched and is documented.
This was completed for the purpose of gathering the faithful to this truth, that only HE could be The One to live out the perfect life abiding by ALL the law of the Torah. HE did it for ALL of us so the mishpochah of ELOHIM (family of ELOHIM) could abide in HIS life by faith in the blood atonement, personally. No longer would an entire nation be represented by a mere mortal "High Priest" because Yeshua Ha Messhiach is the HIGH Priest and King of kings to all and for all who have faith in what HE has done. This perfect plan of Yeshua (Salvation) is the only way to gain the righteousness required to commune back with ELOHIM YHVH, as it was in the garden, before the fall, or separation, of the first adam.
This is the good news, the Gospel, and is a gift of grace to the humble who know they can’t keep perfectly all the Torah; it is to the Yehudah first and also for all of humanity. See Romans 1:16,17 Berit Chadashah
To the Yehudi first, and then to all the Nations is the call to be eternally saved and become ONE mishpochah of ELOHIM with the Christ, Yeshua Ha Messhiach at the helm. Never again allowing disobedience to enter the presence of Shamayim (Heaven), where PAPPA (ELOHIM YHVH) resides on the Throne and throughout the Universe.
WE have a 40 year plan in place to change the hearts and minds of the SoFLo Yehudi population—a time period of ONE generation, which corresponds to the same time period, prior to the fall of the 2D Temple standing in Yerushalayim at the time of Yeshua Ha Messhiach's self imposed sacrifice.
In approximately 32AD, Yeshua Ha Messhiach willingly gave Himself for His people, was resurrected on the third day after His death, and then gave the Yisraelites (Israelites) a grace period of ONE generation to accept this "gift of the last blood atoning sacrifice". Blood Atonement, as is currently done by the Yehudi population every year on Yom Kippur, without the "Kippur" {sacrifice at the temple}, is and will always be necessary for the cleansing of the Sin Nature all humanity is born into. The "Sin Nature" is due, in accordance with the sacred Holy Hebrew Scripture, to the first Human's (adam's) disobedience, which caused a veil of separation from ELOHIM YHVH (Heavenly Father Almighty) to re-commune with Him for eternity. This "extremely durable hand knit veil" was torn from Top to bottom at the death of Yeshua Ha Messhiach in 32 AD. In 70 AD, ONE generation later, following Yeshua Ha Messhiach’s Kippur (sacrifice), the "second Temple in Yerushalayim fell".
The "mirror to our minds", the Torah, was completely fulfilled by only One, tribe of Yehudah, Israelite Man, in history, ELOHIM incarnate (in the Flesh), His name was and still is, because HE lives, Yeshua Ha Messhiach. Everything written here can be historically researched and is documented.
This was completed for the purpose of gathering the faithful to this truth, that only HE could be The One to live out the perfect life abiding by ALL the law of the Torah. HE did it for ALL of us so the mishpochah of ELOHIM (family of ELOHIM) could abide in HIS life by faith in the blood atonement, personally. No longer would an entire nation be represented by a mere mortal "High Priest" because Yeshua Ha Messhiach is the HIGH Priest and King of kings to all and for all who have faith in what HE has done. This perfect plan of Yeshua (Salvation) is the only way to gain the righteousness required to commune back with ELOHIM YHVH, as it was in the garden, before the fall, or separation, of the first adam.
This is the good news, the Gospel, and is a gift of grace to the humble who know they can’t keep perfectly all the Torah; it is to the Yehudah first and also for all of humanity. See Romans 1:16,17 Berit Chadashah
To the Yehudi first, and then to all the Nations is the call to be eternally saved and become ONE mishpochah of ELOHIM with the Christ, Yeshua Ha Messhiach at the helm. Never again allowing disobedience to enter the presence of Shamayim (Heaven), where PAPPA (ELOHIM YHVH) resides on the Throne and throughout the Universe.
ELOHIM is the treasure that all
are searching for!…
When you and i take the time, and test the evidence of the Holy Hebrew Scripture, and think for ourselves, everyone of us will realize that "HE is the treasure" we’ve all been searching for!!!…
WE are here to love, inform and teach truth to the Yehudih population of SoFLo (South Florida).
WE are here to love, inform and teach truth to the Yehudih population of SoFLo (South Florida).
Yom MesshiachA five fold Glory event of Original Song, Fine Art, Invention/Business Products & Transformative Testimony, in Tri-lingual (Hebrew, Spanish & English) Translation
The goal of this event is to bring people who love Yisrael (Israel) together to be a blessing to each other while experiencing the year’s collection of 5 fold Glory, Original Song, Fine Art, Invention/Business Products & Transformative Testimony, in Tri-lingual (Hebrew, Spanish & English) Translation We believe that Yom Messhiach (Day of Messiah) is destined to be celebrated on 1 Aviv, a new beginning, a time of the Lamb’s Birth, a new year, in the Spring; Just like the Spring Lamb in Bethlehem are born each year for the purpose of sacrifice at the temple. The 5 fold Glory (the5fG); All for HIS Glory!... |
What is 1 Aviv?1 Aviv, the first day of Spring, the new year according to the sacred Hebrew calendar. Aviv means Spring, new beginning.
The Hebrew calendar is lunar, based on cycles of the Moon. This means, like any other Yehudi (Jewish) holiday, it’s always on a different day on the Gregorian calendar, and shifts from year to year. If you look on a modern Hebrew Calendar, you don’t see the month of Aviv, instead you see Nisan. When the Yehudih People were taken from Yehudah (Judah) into captivity to Babylon. Many things changed while captive in Babylon: the names of days and months are one of them. Returning to our faith and truth, Aviv is the day WE celebrate "Yom Messhiach". |
LambsIn Israel, lambs are born at only one time of the year, in the Spring. YEShua Ha Messhiach is known as "the Lamb of ELOHIM" In Exodus, when the Yehudi (Jewish) People were led out of Egypt, they had to do something first in order to escape. The last of the Ten Plagues was the killing of the first born, and only by putting the blood of a lamb on the doorposts and lintels of their homes, did The Lord’s angel pass over that home, and their first-borns were spared. Yeshua Ha Messhiach, as the Lamb of ELOHIM, was and still is, by faith, the blood atoning sacrifice that spares all of us today and for all time, from the same angel of death. Baruch HaShem. |
B’rit Chadasha
AHMost Yehudi (Jews) think of the New Testament as a Christian book, meant for Gentiles, with stories of Easter Bunnies, Santa Claus, and directions for persecuting the Jews.
But in fact, it’s the Berit Chadashah, prophesied in YeremiYahu (Jeremiah) 31:31-35, that has been in existence for approximately 2000 years, intended for the Yehudih first and then to the Nation’s.
It recounts that an Angel of the ELOHIM, spoke to a virgin girl named Miriam, who was to be wed to a good Yehudih boy named Yosef, who was a descendant of King DVD (David), and that she would bare His promised Messhiach, His Anointed One—to save and restore His Chosen People.
If you saw these books in that light, it would sound like a book from the Prophets or the Tanakh. ,
Who is Messiah and when will He come?
When you ask these question, there is only one person in all of history that fulfills the prophets. His names are Yeshua Ha Messhiach, the beloved Saviour, the Good Shepherd, the Christ, the Prince of peace, Mighty Counselor, King of kings, our everything!…
But in fact, it’s the Berit Chadashah, prophesied in YeremiYahu (Jeremiah) 31:31-35, that has been in existence for approximately 2000 years, intended for the Yehudih first and then to the Nation’s.
It recounts that an Angel of the ELOHIM, spoke to a virgin girl named Miriam, who was to be wed to a good Yehudih boy named Yosef, who was a descendant of King DVD (David), and that she would bare His promised Messhiach, His Anointed One—to save and restore His Chosen People.
If you saw these books in that light, it would sound like a book from the Prophets or the Tanakh. ,
Who is Messiah and when will He come?
When you ask these question, there is only one person in all of history that fulfills the prophets. His names are Yeshua Ha Messhiach, the beloved Saviour, the Good Shepherd, the Christ, the Prince of peace, Mighty Counselor, King of kings, our everything!…
One Night in BethlehemAnd there were shepherds living out in the fields nearby, keeping watch over their flocks at night. An angel of the Lord appeared to them, and the glory of the Lord shone around them, and they were terrified.” Luke 2:8-9 (NIV)
In the book of Luke, during the Bethlehem story, we read that ELOHIM appeared to shepherds working their fields at night. We know that by the end of December, it’s cold in Israel, it snows, hard. By this logic, many Bible scholars contend that on Christmas, or the day of the Winter Equinox, shepherds aren’t out in the fields with sheep, rather keeping protected inside. It is our belief that the Av of Shamayim (Heavenly Father) sent His Anointed One to be born on the first day of Spring, Because He was meant to be the unblemished lamb, the sacrifice that allows ELOHIM to reconcile the Law, and make a way for his Chosen Children to return to Him. That’s why we celebrate Yom Messhiach on 1 Aviv, the first day of the Hebrew Spring. Join us, as we take this notion, one that we believe Av (Avva) has revealed to us, and over the next forty years, create a holiday that brings glory to our Creator, shines truth on our faith, and calls home his Chosen People. |
Some interesting thoughts:
- There is no J sound in Hebrew.
- The name Jesus, (from the Greek Iesus), has only been in use for the past 400 years.
- Yeshua (ישוע) is a shortened form of Yehoshua (יהושע), today translated as Joshua. All of these mean Salvation in the Hebrew language.
- Yeshua was and continues to be Jewish. Messianic Jewish believers consider themselves Jewish, followers of Messiah, just like all the apostles, written in the B’rit Chadasha, or New Testament.
- We recognize that in the name of Christianity, Jews have been persecuted throughout history. The Inquisition, Russian pogroms, and the Holocaust remind us that there is unbridled hatred of our people. Antisemitism is alive and thriving in our modern world. Please take note, that any “Christian” who hates the Jewish People is not a follower of the Christ (Yeshua Ha Messhiach) in our belief.
- The reason so many Modern day, Christians in the USA and around the world, love the Jewish People, is because of their circumcised hearts that allows ELOHIM to Supernaturally pour in HIS desires and callings.
- Israel becoming a nation in 1948, fulfilled Biblical prophecy and is a major step signifying the end days.
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