"What to Believe and to speak out loud to receive the gift of Salvation (YEShua) and Baptized with The Holy Spirit (Ruach Ha Qodesh) and become a member of the "true church", a.k.a. the Family Of ELOHIM (mishpochah of ELOHIM). (When finished, tell someone you love what you've prayed).
Salvation Prayer Preamble: Including the Five Foundational Principles:“What to Believe and to speak aloud to ELOHIM (Father - ELOHIM YHVH, Son, YEShua Ha Messhiach and Holy Spirit - Ruach Ha Qodesh) as ONE; to be Saved as a member of the true church.” (When finished, tell someone you love what you you prayed)
1. the Deity of Christ YEShua I.e. That Yeshua Ha Messhiach (YEShua the Messiah) is the 2nd “Person” of the Holy Triune Existence of Elohim [YHVH (Father Almighty), Yeshua Ha Messhiach (Son) & Ruach Ha Kodesh (Holy Spirit)] a.k.a. “ ELOHIM Echad”. 2. YEShua Ha Messhiach (He; His) was born of a virgin. 3. HE was crucified for us to pay the price for the sin of all the world. His Blood is the only blood Atonement acceptable to Father Almighty to forgive my sin nature stemming from Adam into eternity. 4. Yeshua Ha Messhiach (YEShua the Messiah) was resurrected after His crucifixion and is alive since, now and forever, sitting at the Right Hand of our Heavenly Father (YHVH) Almighty; to stand as a sinless perfect substitute for all mankind who will receive The Father’s gift (Yeshua) so that we can get back into communion with HIM as a mishpochah (Family), as was HIS intention from the beginning, just as Adam and Eve were able to commune with HIM in the Garden before “the fall”. 5. Yeshua Ha Messhiach, in all His Glory, will return to snatch up His “church” a.k.a. His “bride” (all those who have been Spiritually born again and are one with Him for the purpose of bringing Heaven to Earth. He will be called the MIGHTY ONE and will set us up to rule and reign with Him, in an order only known to ELOHIM. From the moment we accept and receive these five foundational principles of our faith, by the measure of Faith given to each of us, would be the best moment to pray, and not to stall because today is the day of Salvation for each and everyone who reads this and accepts it by faith with a prayer to accept His priceless atoning blood sacrifice! This is the moment we, as individuals, will become a new creation, with a new Spirit, the Holy Spirit of ELOHIM within, who will teach us and guide us into all truth!… salvation prayer: Elohim (Father, Son and Holy Spirit), 1. i come to you with your gift to me, the gift of repentance, to repent from the sin nature; that is i turn away from my inherited sin nature and turn my all; body, soul and spirit, to your face for salvation and surrender! 2. i believe that you sent Yeshua Ha Messhiach (YEShua the Messiah) to represent your Grace as your only begotten Son to manifest YOU in the flesh! 3. i believe He was born sinless and was born of a virgin! 4. i believe He was crucified for us to pay the price for the sin of all the world. His Blood is the only blood Atonement acceptable to YOU Father to satisfy the required penalty of all Sin, to forgive my sin nature stemming from Adam into eternity. 5. i believe YEShua Ha Messhiach (YEShua the Messiah) was resurrected after His crucifixion and is alive since, now and forever sitting at YOUR Right Hand Father Almighty, to stand in substitution for me as i abide in Him forever! 6. I believe Yeshua Ha Messhiach (YEShua the Messiah), in all His Glory, will return to snatch up HIS bride, “the church” and establish His Kingdom here on Earth as it is in Heaven. Yeshua, Father Almighty, i pray that you would Save me by your Son YEShua Ha Messhiach (YEShua the Messiah) so that i too can abide in You, in Yeshua Ha Messhiach's name, Amen, Amen, Amen!!!... 7. Now that i abide in Yeshua Ha Messhiach, i thank YOU that i am saved forever!… i ask that you would fill me, Baptize me, with YOUR RUACH Ha Qodesh (Holy Spirit) (the third person of your triune nature) to teach me personally, lead me personally and guide me personally into all truth, in Yeshua Ha Messhiach's name, Amen, Amen, Amen!!!… Thank you so much YHVH (Heavenly Father Almighty) for making it so! 8. HalleluYHVH to “The Lamb of ELOHIM”, my Saviour, my King, my everything!… 9. When finished, tell someone you love what you prayed. Important Notes: 1. ELOHIM Echad – the Holy Trinity as One. The Father, The Son, and The Holy Spirit = Elohim im = plural as in three; the trinity 2. Elohim does not include the Islamic Religious falseness of Allah. |